Only the best are good enough
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The awards speak for themselves

About us​

How did it all start?

It has always remained a mystery to me why, but from my earliest memories, I’ve been obsessed with fish. I belong to that fortunate group of people who have been able to turn their passion into their profession. My very first encounter with a fishing rod was when I was just three years old, and since then, that passion has never waned. Every day, I am grateful to my parents and grandparents for introducing me to this world.

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The love for koi

As a young teenager, I began my fishing adventures by catching carp. Here too, the question remains: why I love koi so much, I cannot exactly say. I simply find them to be beautiful creatures. Their development and potential appeal greatly to me. When I see a young koi, I can already feel and imagine how it will grow and develop. It has become a habit to take photos of the koi I catch. Later, when I return to the same spot and catch a recognizable koi, I take another photo to compare its growth and development. In 2010, I was given the opportunity to purchase the outdated rental house where I lived. The pond immediately became my top priority! Overcoming the numerous obstacles and challenges has taught me a lot. I have since become an expert in stable water quality, water temperature, and perfectly managed water filters.

Your hobby is our passion

Diseases and problems

In 2011, I visited a koi breeder in Japan for the first time. Initially, things didn’t go smoothly. We encountered numerous diseases and problems that were new to me. I didn’t want to experience that again, so I decided to focus entirely on healthcare and specialization in this area. I increasingly traveled to Japan myself to select koi for our customers, thereby eliminating many risks. I am someone who can feel koi very well. I understand them, feel them, and see them in a special way.
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Marks Koi

Marks Koi has emerged from my love for koi and my desire to share my passion with others. I help individuals and specialized shops find the most beautiful and healthiest koi available.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us​

Do you have a question about one of our products, a general question about koi food or about keeping koi? With our many years of experience, we are happy to help you!


in our opinion the best food for your koi

Read all about it on Marks Koi Food website!